Business Network Strengthening Partnerships
WE Act partners with and supports existing business networks that help young women entrepreneurs build their personal connections and grow their businesses.
Our partnerships focus on:
- Inclusion of diverse group of YWEs so they can become meaningful members of relevant business networks;
- Increasing opportunities for YWEs to be active participants and influencers within the business networks and in their decision-making processes;
- Increasing effective mentorship and coaching opportunities for YWEs through the networks.
Women in New Generation
Act together, Grow together
YWE Accelerator
Business Networking among Young Entrepreneurs, Startups, and MSMEs
SHE Members Network for Young Women Entrepreneurs
Business Skills Building Partnerships
WE Act works with organizations that provide high-quality and demand-driven technical assistance and business training programs to young women entrepreneurs.
Our partnerships focus on:
- Ensuring regular, quality, and sustainable delivery of training: providing accessible business skills for target groups of YWEs;
- Providing needs-based technical assistance and coaching for YWEs as a means of enabling learning by doing in complement to training.
Preparing the foundation for innovative & efficient women leaders
SHE Trains the Trainer & Incubator Programs
Empower Women Entrepreneurship for Active and Collective Trading
Innovative Civic Engagement Partnerships
WE Act partners with organizations that are promoting meaningful ways for youth and young women entrepreneurs to be engaged about the key issues they are facing in their businesses and elsewhere in their lives.
Our partnerships focus on:
- Establishing or strengthening ‘non-traditional’ platforms or mechanisms that enable youth and YWEs to use their voice about key issues and to be heard by decision-makers.
- Opening up solutions-focused dialogue or other engagement between YWEs and decision-makers around key issues that are impacting young women entrepreneurs.
Raising the Volume
Online Media for Cambodian Youth
Amplifying Voices of Young Women with Disabilities
Entrepreneurship Platform for Engagement and Exchange
Empowering Young Women Entrepreneurs through Messaging Platforms
Strengthening Youth Leadership
WE Act partners with organizations that empower youth, and young women entrepreneurs in particular, to be leaders in addressing social and economic issues that are relevant in their lives.
Our partnerships focus on:
- Building youth leaders’ hard and soft skills so young people can more effectively engage with decision-makers and participate in policy formulation;
- Identifying priority issues that affect youth and young women entrepreneurs.
- Supporting youth leaders to influence policy development and promote reform that is responsive to youth needs.