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Young Women Entrepreneur Formalized Her Online Business and Tripled Her Income

Ms. Chorn Visal is 21 years old, and living in Kok Krasang village Sangkat Svay Dangkum, Siem Reap town with a single mother and a younger sister. She is also a junior university student. During her free time from the university, she runs an online business selling cosmetics and clothes.

She heard about the Women’s Resource Center (WRC) from her mother because her mother also attends some activities at WRC. One day her mother told her to register for an incubator program at WRC that supports Young Women Entrepreneurs.

Visal said “I have never joined any program like this before. I only used to attend the school program. This is very helpful to me and my business. This program opens several opportunities for young women entrepreneurs in Siem Reap to have more knowledge and connect to new people, new experiences, and new groups to support each other to run and manage their businesses. Also, my ideas and voice have been heard by many people.” 

 During the workshop and with ongoing support from the team, Visal expressed that before she had never done any budget plan and recorded her income and expenses. She continued “The workshop activities give me practice and manage cash flow and focus on profit and loss, study and analyze target customers, customer needs, product quality and marketing, import marketable products. As a result, my income has increased.”    


Learning socio-economic rights and joining other workshops through WRC referrals also increase her knowledge of business registrations, business formalization, and the services that are provided by One Window Service.

“This motivates me to process and formalize my business. And now I got my business permission letter from the One Window service,” she added. She proudly said that “It helps me a lot to reach more people, manage my cash flow, and increase my monthly income by 300%. I can support my family and my school materials.  For my plan, I will keep my commitment to improving my business and keep communicating with our members in this group to support each other. I would like to request WRC to organize more of this workshop in our community that benefits young women entrepreneurs.”

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Disclaimer: This Snapshot Story is made possible with the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States government.

Women with Disabilities Learn to Amplify Their Voices

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