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Visioning Young Women Entrepreneurs Promoting Local Organic Products

With a vision to promote local products and farmers, Ms. Choa Lon Molika left her high paid salary and established the Green O Far which is an organic fresh shop to support farmers producing organic vegetables and fruits.

Molika is one of the most outstanding women-led entrepreneurs with an interesting business journey. She started her business following her heart and has turned her business from a simple idea to a multimillion-dollar business that benefits to many people. Those included 80 producers and other 400 people involved in her business

With support from USAID through Pact’s WE Act project, Molika actively participated in the project activities including training programs with the Young Entrepreneurs Association of Cambodia (YEAC).

 “I really liked and enjoyed learning in the SME Champion Leadership and Equity Financing programs. I felt like I took the whole MBA training course. I learned a lot and I prepared what I need to for accessing to finance of both debt and equity financing” she added.

Molika increased not only her capacity to lead and manage her business well but also became a role model and a recommended mentor to many young women entrepreneurs. She has actively supported many SMEs. She was also selected as the chair of the committee of the Access to Debt Financing and vice chair of Agri and Agro Process committees of YEAC. She leads and coordinates the committee well and is able to represent young women entrepreneurs in various dialogues and meetings with the solution holders. More importantly, Molika will stand as a candidate for YEAC’s BoD election for 2023.

Molika is one of the women entrepreneurs who received financing from financial institutions after participating in the access to finance program. “I have been offered by few banks to support my business, I selected one of them with good interest and condition,” Molika said proudly. For 2022 alone, Molika received two awards 1) the Outstanding Inclusive Business Award of Cambodia Young Entrepreneur Award 2022 and 2) the ASEAN Special Award of Women Entrepreneurs.

Molika expressed her sincere thanks to the project particularly for providing a good training program and other support so that herself and other SMEs.

“I wish such a great project continues to support other SMEs especially women entrepreneurs who face challenges in running businesses like me,” said Molika.

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Disclaimer: This Snapshot Story is made possible with the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States government.

Girl is Powerful Weapon to Make Changes

uk Sovandane, 19, is a sophomore majoring in Banking at the Regional Polytechnic Techo Sen Institute in Kampot. As a young girl in the province, Sovandane did not have the confidence, nor did she think about community volunteering or civic engagement.

Women with Disabilities Learn to Amplify Their Voices

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