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Aspiring Young Women Entrepreneur in Battambang Brings Her Start-up Business to Life

Ms. Ny Pisey, 27 years old, is one of the aspiring young women entrepreneurs in Battambang. As a coffee lover, Pisey dreams of start-up a small coffee shop. But the lack of entrepreneurship skills and business linkages with others, Pisey felt insecure and not confident to start-up her dream business.

Pisey said, “I had a dream of having a small coffee shop at home, but I did not know at all about business skills such as E-marketing, Financial management, customer relationship, and business-related law”.

With the introduction from a friend, Pisey has attended with Village Support Group of the Young Entrepreneurs Support under funding support from USAID through the Pact’s WE Act project. Pisey has been attending all the provided training courses including Financial Literacy, Ready for Business, E-Marketing, Communication skill, Business Registration, and Socio-Economic Rights through monthly coaching and mentoring. Currently, Pisey is running her small coffee shop and drinks at her home with hope, confidence, and courage.

Pisey said, “with support from this program, I gained more entrepreneurial skills. I learned more about business experiences shared by other women entrepreneurs, which helped to motivate me to fulfill my dream.”  

Her business has been gradually growing by gaining support from new and existing customers.

Pisey confirmed, “My monthly income increased by over 63%. In addition, I have created a new job for a young woman. I noticed that I have changed a lot in the way I communicate with customers, introduce products, set target customers, and analyze markets. I have courage and confidence in further business expansion”. she added.

Like the other young women entrepreneurs and youth, Pisey requested VSG to continue supporting by proving more entrepreneurship and soft skills, such as human resource management, digital marketing, and socio-economic rights.

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Disclaimer: This Snapshot Story is made possible with the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States government.

Youth and Sangkat Authorities to Promote Public Services in Community

­­­Youth is a strong driving force for social development, economic growth, modernization, and social adjustments. Therefore, their involvement and participation in social activities provides a dedicated support for future development. Participation in the development of their community is a fundamental right that everyone is entitled to. Being equipped with proper tools, education, and information, enhances the effectiveness of youth participation, according to The United Nations Youth.
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