SHE began as an idea in 2013, when we wanted to find out why impact investment (investment into socially and environmentally impactful businesses) wasn’t trickling down to SME level, and particularly why women weren’t able to access investment or financing above microfinance as easily as men. We realised that in order to improve women’s economic empowerment, create sustainable long-term change, and eventually see more women with SMEs receiving investment, we needed to build an ecosystem that supported women to scale up from the informal micro economy, and create a pipeline of investment-ready businesses.
SHE Investments
SHE Members Network for Young Women Entrepreneurs
Establish SHE member's network to increase access to training, networking events, and skills-building opportunities.
SHE Trains the Trainer & Incubator Programs
Provide business incubator trainings to women entrepreneurs, and training of trainers for incubator facilitators.